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If my people...

America's Hope- God's Answer

we all need god americas salvation
What can save a country? Hate or Love? 

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways and pray and seek my face, then I will hear from heaven and I will heal their land."

We need God's healing. Not just in America, but across the globe. How many would attest to that? How many would stand up and say AMEN- yes we need God's help and provision in these dark times?

Now- how many are willing to do what it takes to stoke the fires of heaven to bring revival to our land? Take notice of the fact that the process of healing starts with God's people- and it is an "If-Then" scripture. This is a promise from God- but it requires action on our part. Looking through an old journal from Sept 2011, I found a break down of this scripture that God really opened up to me. It is more relevant today than it was even then. I pray that you would study it carefully, and that we would all do our parts to make it applicable where we need to in our lives.

My People- We are God's people if we have received salvation through Jesus Christ. He has saved us and set us apart as His own for a purpose. We each have something that we are called to accomplish as His people. And we are "called" by His name.That is identity in Him. It is the same as being adopted into a family, or getting married and taking your husband's name.There is permanent ownership in that status, and He paid a high price to give it to us.

Turn From Their Wicked Ways- Refuse disobedience. Make a conscious decision to turn away from anything that would pull you from His presence and peace. Anything that you know is contrary to the word and will of God. He will strengthen and enable us to choose the path of life and stay on it.

Seek My Face- To "seek" something is to look for it. Not just to glance around here or there, but to diligently search for the thing you are need until it is found. There is desperation in that word. There is necessity. It is an action word, something that requires effort. If you need to find something that is of great value to you that is lost, you will stop at nothing to find it. I am sure that would hold true for any of us if we lost our cell phone or a $20 bill. But do we take the same approach to "seeking" the truth of God, and His presence in our lives? We cannot sit idly by and wonder why we are not close to Him if we are not making the effort to seek Him above everything else that pulls for our time. He promises us that when we seek Him, we will find Him. 

Heal Their Land- If you are speaking in terms of a nation, this might refer to healing the sores brought onto an entire country or land by sin. But through personal application, I believe this is referring to one's own life as well. The land can also mean the home. In fact, I believe that the healing we need in our country starts with healing in our own homes. God can heal the issues in our homes when we have been turning to Him in repentance and seeking His face above all else. His hearts desire is in the healthy functioning of a marriage, children, etc. This is where society as a whole receives healing. It can start in the life of one family. It actually starts in the life of one person, who reaches out to someone in their family, and it begins to spread like ripples on a pond.
Lord, help my focus be on seeking you, not for what you can or would provide for me, but to know you and the beauty of your presence. I pray that I would earnestly and desperately call out to you, praise you in spirit and in truth, and cry out with a heart of repentance and contrition. I pray for healing for myself, my family, my friends, my church, and our nation. I pray for humility, grace, and power to be restored to our homes and churches, and to this nation. I pray for our leaders, both political and spiritual, that they be filled with holy fire and wisdom, and walk in your righteousness. Call us back, dear Lord, from the pits where we have wandered. Gather us gently in your loving arms, and let us lie in peaceful fields once again.

Blessings to you and your family as you step boldly into the work of "seeking" God's face, and may you be richly rewarded with His presence and healing!


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