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Showing posts from April, 2017

Here Comes the Bride

Have you ever been to a wedding? I’m sure most have. There are many variations of ceremony out there. Many different cultures and beliefs can alter the way a ceremony proceeds. But there is one moment that occurs in most everyone.  It is that moment…the moment of awe- of reverence- as the chords strike the familiar tune- duh, duh, duh, duh- Here comes the bride. There is a hush that falls on the crowd, and all will rise to watch the bride come towards her groom. They watch to see the love and intimacy that pass between the couple in those moments. They look to see her walking; in purity, in innocence, in love. Here comes the bride, all dressed in white…I am sure that you would recognize that familiar tune if you heard it. But h ave you ever heard the actual lyrics? Here is the first verse for you: Here comes the bride, dressed all in light Radiant and lovely she shines in his sight Gently she glides, graceful as a dove Meeting her bridegroom, her eyes...


There is no fog so thick it cannot be broken by the shining light of the "SON" Joshua 1:9 “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Fog. An interesting thought as I drove into work this morning. The fog in our area was thick, like a visual blanket of mist covering the city. I took the same route I use every day. I have driven this path each morning for nearly two years. I know exactly how long it should take me in most any circumstance. But fog is a different story. That fog made my journey this morning seem twice as long. I wondered if I would ever make it to my destination. What was the reason for this? The mileage had not changed. The traffic flow was the same. So, what caused the shift in my travel time? Nothing. Nothing but my perspective. For you see, the fog had literally clouded my vision. My ability to judge distance and space was significantly impaired. Typi...