Have you ever been to a wedding? I’m sure most have.
are many variations of ceremony out there. Many different cultures and beliefs
can alter the way a ceremony proceeds. But there is one moment that occurs in
most everyone.
It is that moment…the moment of awe- of reverence- as the chords strike the familiar tune- duh, duh, duh, duh- Here comes the bride.
It is that moment…the moment of awe- of reverence- as the chords strike the familiar tune- duh, duh, duh, duh- Here comes the bride.
is a hush that falls on the crowd, and all will rise to watch the bride come
towards her groom. They watch to see the love and intimacy that pass between
the couple in those moments. They look to see her walking; in purity, in
innocence, in love.
comes the bride, all dressed in white…I am sure that you would recognize that
familiar tune if you heard it. But have
you ever heard the actual lyrics? Here is the first verse for you:
Here comes the bride, dressed all in light
Radiant and lovely she shines in his sight
Gently she glides, graceful as a dove
Meeting her bridegroom, her eyes full of love.
so many places in scripture, the church is referenced as the bride of Christ.
Isaiah 54:5 we are told “For you maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is
His name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer”
Revelation 21:9-10 we see John receiving a vision from one of the seven angels
holding a bowl with the seven last plagues. He speaks to John saying, “Come, I
will show you the Bride, the wife of the Lamb.” And John was carried away by
the angel, and shown the holy city of Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from
22:17 speaks of the church’s cry “The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come”. And let
the one who hears say, “Come”.
this moment, we are not radiant or lovely, but He is forming us, preparing us
to meet Him. One day, we will glide towards our heavenly bridegroom with eyes
full of love; but for we now are preparing for the marriage supper, and our
eternal union with our Savior and King.
find it strange to reference the Lord in such an intimate manner. But our
relationship with God is not like that of a man and woman on earth. It is the
communion that was meant to be from the beginning. An uninterrupted,
uncorrupted, holy union of spirit to spirit communication. Just as God walked
with Adam and Eve in the cool of the day, so He desires to fellowship with us. We
are shown God’s intention to restore that union in Eph 5:27 “So that He might
present the church to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such
thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.”
will it take for us to be ready? For us to be without spot or wrinkle? I don’t
know about you, but I could stand some serious ironing myself! We are all a
mess, even being cleansed daily in the blood of Christ. I believe there is
coming a day, when we shall be forever cleansed, and every spot shall be
removed. Until that day, we are to be preparing ourselves as a bride prepares
for her groom. We should be actively working to make ourselves ready for that
marriage supper in eternity.
are the things that a bride does to prepare herself for marriage? She may do
many things in the days leading up to her marriage ceremony. She will have
spent countless hours looking for the perfect dress, the one that she knows
will take his breath away. She will have likely performed some types of pre-wedding
beauty rituals to ensure that her body was purified and clean. But there is one
thing that she will do on the day of her wedding that will take precedence over
all other things. She will beautify herself. She will take great pains to
ensure that her hair and makeup are just perfect.
the day of her wedding, she will spend much time in front of a mirror, staring
at her reflection, primping until she feels satisfied she has reached a level
of “perfection”.
tells us that we are all looking into mirrors. Corinthians 13:12 tells us “for
now we see only in a mirror dimly, but then face to face”. Like James states in
1:22-24, speaking of people who were hearers of the word, and not doers, “they
are like a man who stares intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he
looks at himself and goes away, and at once forgets what he looks like.”
does this mean? It means that we can spend all the time we want staring into
mirrors- both physically and spiritually- working to make ourselves perfect for
man and Jesus- or we can simply submit to His divine work in us- His perfecting
work- and see His reflection in us.
bride will want to be beautiful for her groom. Just as in the song lyrics, she
glides, gracefully down the aisle towards her groom. In purity. In innocence.
In love.
can we begin to prepare ourselves for that eternal wedding celebration? There
are three things that we can do now to be in position of readiness:
first thing we must do is submit to the work of the Holy Spirit. He gently
nudges and prods us daily, wooing us to spend time with Him, and allow Him to
shine light into the dark places of our lives. Submission is scary for most- as
they see that loss of control and power over their lives as a form of oppression.
The truth is, submission is freedom. There is such glorious freedom in letting
go, of not overseeing things you honestly cannot control anyhow. Any person who
truly believes they are in control of their circumstances is a bit delusional.
We cannot guarantee our next breath…how can we stand in control of the vastness
of our lives? Willingly laying down our need to work- to fix- to make things
happen…there is such freedom and joy in that, and it allows the Holy Spirit
room to come in and work.
includes preparation- We are following orders, obeying and ridding our lives of
things as the Holy Spirit prompts us. Scripture gives a striking picture of the
difference between prepared brides and unprepared brides in Matt 25. Five of
those virgins prepared themselves, and made sure they were ready when the
bridegroom came. The other five were not, and they lost their place in the
wedding supper. I do not believe this speaks of salvation, for anyone who has
truly placed their hope and faith in Jesus will not be cast off…but it bears
asking- if you have truly done so…how can you help but submit to your future
bridegroom…who loves you so much?
second thing we must do to prepare goes very close in hand with submission. As
the Holy Spirit begins to illuminate areas of our lives that are impure or
unclean, they will need to be dealt with. We will need deliverance from these
things in our lives. 2 Corinthians states “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and
where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!” There is freedom that comes
with submission. And there is freedom that comes from being delivered of things
that bind us up and tie us down to this world. There are chains and strongholds
that need to be broken from us, things we carry that weigh us down, and will
prohibit us from running the race of faith like we need to do.
Each one of us,
individually, needs to pray- seek the Lord- and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal
things to you that need to be laid down. Areas of your life that are “grey”-
things you know you probably should not do, or say, or involve yourself with,
but you find excuses for. 1 Corinthians 6:12 says “I have the right to do
anything- you say- but not everything is beneficial. I have the right to do
anything- but I will not be mastered by anything”.
Perhaps there are things you
“have the right to do”. And God is not going to take them away from, if they
are not causing you harm, per-say. But they are not beneficial to you. They are
not helping you grow- perhaps they are holding you back. If we want to really
walk in purity before our Lord- if we really want to begin seeing the power of
His kingdom unleashed on this earth- through us!, then we must submit to the
deliverance of these needless and often harmful things in our lives.
third step in this process is refining- We are refined just as a silversmith takes
untouched minerals, and heats up the metal time and again, pulling up all the
dross and impurities, removing things that should not be there, and heats it
hotter and hotter, making sure to get every last bit, until he can see his own
reflection in that metal. And here is the ticket- He never leaves us. In this
refining process- He stays close at hand. Just as a potter never leaves the
clay on the wheel, and the smith never leaves the metal to burn, He watches
over us.
We need to be in that fire
with Jesus. We need to be refined
through the fires of life. We need to lose some- it’s not good for us to win
all the time. We learn our greatest lessons through times of loss and defeat-
these are the times that drive us to our knees. We need to understand the joy
of letting go- of dreams, of desires, of things, of people, whatever needs be.
If we truly want to be preparing to meet Jesus- becoming more and more like Him
each day- then we will be willing to submit to the deliverance of our souls,
through the fires of refinement.
I want to say that
again- If we truly want to be preparing to meet Jesus- becoming more and more
like Him each day- they we will be willing to submit to the deliverance of our
souls, through the fires of refinement.
is a beautiful song written by Brian Doerksen, many of you will likely know it,
called Refiner’s Fire. The whole song is beautiful, but the chorus is the cream- Refiner’s fire- my hearts one desire- it to be Holy, Set apart for you
Lord, I choose to be Holy, Set apart for you my Master, ready to do your will.
that really your hearts one desire? Do you desire to be set apart for the Lord-
submitted and ready to do His will? Everyone who submits to a master must go
through the process of preparation. They must be trained and ready. They must
be rid of any baggage or claims to their lives held previously. They must be
solely and completely focused on service to the master.
we have such a more intimate and beautiful promise! Jesus does not simply want
us as servants- he wants us as companions, for all eternity. It is a daily
process- we will never arrive this side of heaven. No one is perfect, but we
are told to seek after it. We are told in Scripture to be holy as He is holy.
We are told to seek first the Kingdom of God. We do this by submitting
ourselves to the fire, being refined in love and care by the master artisan,
Jesus. He is lovingly and painstakingly crafting each of us into the bride He
wants us to be. There is a corporate bride, which is the church- but He also
responds to each of us individually- as the love of His life- the ones He died
for- the ones He longs to be in relationship with for eternity.
is our responsibility as believers to be actively growing. This is not a
spectator sport. It’s an all-out battle for our spiritual growth, and the
growth of those around us.
will we do? If we obtain salvation and nothing more? If we don’t prepare
ourselves to meet Him? If we waste our days? What shall we say to our
bridegroom, who has been preparing a place for us all along, yet He was not
important enough for us to prepare for?
is still time! Begin today! Submit to the refiner’s fire, till He can see His
reflection in you. Let Him cover you with the oil and perfume of His presence,
that you carry out into the world. Let Him raise the dross and sludge from your
heart and make you light and fit for travel. Let Him put a song in your mouth
to offer in worship and praise.
loves us regardless. No matter how you respond tonight to this message, He
loves you. He died for us when we were wretched, and vile, and filthy in our
sins. He will love you still if you do nothing for Him. But oh friend- what
will you do on that day, if you stand unprepared? Which face of your bridegroom
would prefer to see? The one beaming with love and pride for His stainless
bride, or one of love, clouded with the shadow of sorrow, for His love and care
was simply not enough to motivate you?
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