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The "Birthing" Season


  Anyone who tells you that childbirth is easy is lying. This person is not your friend, and you should run…run away as fast as possible 😊

                The reality is, birth is likely the hardest task a woman will ever undertake in her life. Pregnancy and birth is the culmination of “giving up” of self – of one’s physical appearance and body image, of one’s normal bodily functions, of one’s time and freedom, but most of all…of one’s heart and soul.

                As a mother prepares for the arrival of her child, she passes through many levels of self-sacrifice. There are the countless hours spent nursing nausea and fatigue. The constant press on your body to provide; not only for your life and sustenance, but that of the other human being growing within you. You provide every ounce of nourishment, protection, shelter, and comfort this tiny person needs as he/she does the work of growing and developing. It is truly a team effort – mother and baby working together; bodies in harmony, to prepare for the “coming forth”, or birth that will come to pass.

                The birthing process itself is fraught with trial, and any woman who has passed through the curtains of each birthing stage can attest to its arduous journey. But on the other side of that mountain, insurmountable but for the grace of God given to protect and preserve the woman and the child she issues forth, there is unfathomable joy. Peace that truly passes any understanding. And a love – born through months of communion and harmony, that exists within the furtive glances passing from mother to newborn babe.

                In a similar way, God longs to birth in us the desires that He rooted in our hearts. These dreams and visions that were placed within the womb of our soul and spirit, that have been nurtured and fed by various life experience and God’s providential placement in our lives.

                We are preparing to step into the season of celebration…the celebration of the “coming forth”, or the birth of our Savior. His coming to earth as the apostle John states in John 1, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God, and the Word was with God…and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”

                Jesus…the Messiah…the WORD who Was, and Is, and Is to Come…CAME

He came and dwelt among us, taking on our flesh, becoming one of us, so that He could ransom us back to Himself.

      We have a reason to celebrate! 

Bigger than the packages and ribbons. Bigger than the parties and the festivity. Bigger than the family gatherings and moments spent together. All of these things are awesome, and I believe that God delights in them, because He is glorified. He is glorified when we give. He is glorified when we love one another. When we share. When we reach out. When we become His hands and feet. He receives pleasure and praise in these moments.

                But there is something more…there is a reminder of birth. 

There is a freshness in this season. Why else would it be referred to as the “season of hope”. No other time of year is quite like Christmas. There is an air of expectancy. Of magic. Of miracles. Of love, joy, and peace on earth. It is a season for new beginnings, and I believe it is a season of birthing.

                There is something God is birthing in you. Something that has been consummated in the quiet moments spent with Him alone. Something that He planted in your heart…perhaps days, weeks, months, or even years ago. 

But He is getting ready…the birth is coming!  Your purpose…your ministry  -  His place for you in the body is about to be brought forth!

                And while the birthing process may be painful and tumultuous, it will be worth it. You may be stripped of things. You may be shaken to your core. You may be ripped from the womb of one path and plan, and laid gently into the arms of the mission you are meant to carry out.

                Remember…after the pain and toil comes the peace. The moments of sheer joy and exhilaration of what lies ahead. The promise for new life and better days. The seasons of fruit-bearing and plenty. But these seasons don’t come without the toil of labor.

                The work proceeds the witness of the promise.  Are you ready?

                Are you in a place to submit yourself to the birthing process…to see what God longs to bring forth from your life? There are people in this world that you are meant for…and you cannot reach them until you come forth into your calling, birthed into your ministry.

                So, in this season of celebration…as you share, give, and love…remember the Word who came for YOU. Remember His promise to you…and His longing to bring you into all that He has planned for your life.   



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