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Showing posts from June, 2018

Weighing In On Mental Illness - After A Long Silence

Reach Out - Get Help With all the sad news circulating today about yet another celebrity taking their life after a battle with mental illness, I felt I just had to weigh in. I know…I know. There are a million people putting in their “two cents” on this topic right now. Some opinions are helpful, some are hurtful. Mine may fall silent among the crowd, but I am going to put it out there regardless, because I have been there. I believe there is strength in personal experience, so I am choosing to share mine. For as long as I can remember, I have struggled with feelings of disconnection. I remember standing on the playground as a child at school, having an existential crisis while looking at my hands or other parts of myself, thinking “is this really my hand (or foot, arm, leg, whatever)?”, and then immediately feeling shame and embarrassment for having such weird thoughts. I never talked to anyone about this. Somehow, I just knew in my mind that to tell someone the strange ...