What does it really look like to follow Jesus?
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Do you really know what it means to be a "Jesus follower"? |
John 8:32 "And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free."
What makes an authentic Christian? This is a question that has been plaguing me for quite some time now, and it is time for me to address it with the information that I believe God has shown me. I will be sharing this in a series of posts, as one post would be overwhelmingly long. I really want you to focus on the validity of each “marker”. See how you can compare your life as it is to each “marker” and be honest. Are there things that you would need to alter? Are you really walking through this life as a true follower of Christ, or are you a fake? You owe it to yourself, and especially to God, to find out the answer.
What makes an authentic Christian? This is a question that has been plaguing me for quite some time now, and it is time for me to address it with the information that I believe God has shown me. I will be sharing this in a series of posts, as one post would be overwhelmingly long. I really want you to focus on the validity of each “marker”. See how you can compare your life as it is to each “marker” and be honest. Are there things that you would need to alter? Are you really walking through this life as a true follower of Christ, or are you a fake? You owe it to yourself, and especially to God, to find out the answer.
Can you spot a fake? For instance…if you were presented with two purses, one being a genuine Coach bag and another a knock off, would you be able to tell the difference? For someone with discerning taste, recognizing a knock off would likely be an easy task, but some are so well made, it is honestly nearly impossible to spot the phony. It is only after time, with its normal wear and tear, that the true nature of the product comes out. The “real deal” may become a little beat up, scratched or worn, but it will still be in good condition and will retain or sometimes exceed its original value. On the contrary, the knock off will likely have fallen apart after the normal wear and tear, not being built with the same quality and materials needed to sustain the everyday bumps and bruises of life.
Our walk with God is somewhat like this. Are we the “real deal”? Authentically following Christ with our whole hearts, or are we walking in name only, ready to run at the first sign of danger or trial? The believers in the early church were often referred to as “followers” of “The Way”. What was it that marked their lives? What set apart a true follower of Christ and not a fake? I believe that there are three key things that mark a true follower of Christ, and in the next few posts I would like to dig into each one and really look at all that they entail, but let me list them out so that you can begin meditating on them:
1. Righteousness- This is what is produced when a person receives salvation through their acceptance of Christ sacrifice on their behalf and submits their life in repentance to the changing power of the Holy Spirit.
2. Reliability- This is what is produced through diligence to prayer and study of God’s word. It is commitment to growth and development in a person’s walk with the Lord.
3. Relationship- This is a genuine and living relationship with Jesus, and also a relationship with the rest of the world. People marked with this characteristic love as Christ loves them.
Focus on these three things. Dig down deep and ask yourself…do I possess these traits? If your answer is no…if it is maybe/sort of, or even if it is a resounding YES…I would pray that you will join me on this journey to discover what marks a true “follower” of Christ. Would that we all strive to live authentically in a world full of fakes and phonies…and represent our God who gave so much of Himself to us in a true and genuine way, that will lead the lost and hurting to Him, rather than sending them running as fast as their weary legs can carry them. The world is looking for authenticity, especially in the church. May it be found in us!
We will be first digging into the marker of Righteousness– so stay tuned
Blessings ~~
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