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Jesus is the guard of my life |
How hard is it to trust the Lord? Some moments it seems so easy…but other times it is so difficult. Why is that? He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So if He is not changing, why should our trust in Him change?
It really all boils down to perspective. Where our focus is at that moment. If we are keeping our eyes fixed on the Lord in the midst of a difficult situation, it seems smaller, and we are less apt to stress out. But if we remove our eyes from His face and focus on the situation at hand, it often appears insurmountable and we begin to feel overwhelmed and despair. It makes me think of Peter, when he stepped out of the boat and began to walk on the water towards Jesus in Matthew 14:27-31. There is more to this passage of Scripture that we could look at in terms of being in the midst of a storm, but for the intent of this post, I want to focus on Peter and what he was attempting.
Jesus is walking past the boat during a tremendous storm, and the disciples see him. Mind you, they already think they are about to perish in this storm, and then they see Him walking by. They start freaking out thinking they are seeing a ghost, but Jesus immediately assures them that it is Him. Peter gets bold and calls out, “Lord, if it is you…bid me to come to you” and Jesus tells him to come on. Peter takes a pretty amazing step at this point; he gets out of the boat- in the middle of a raging storm- and starts to walk towards Jesus. Things are going pretty well at this point…and Peter is walking in a modern day miracle. Then two things happen. He looks around him at the raging storm, and he panics. He begins to sink, crying out to Jesus to save him. Jesus again immediately reaches out to him, and asks him a pivotal question…”you of little faith…why did you doubt?”
Two things I want to point out here…#1- Jesus IMMEDIATELY answered the cries of His disciples. Not after a few minutes of letting them think about things, or wonder if He would respond. No. He answered them in their moment of crisis…immediately. #2- Why did He have to come to their aid at all? In both instances…the people in question were looking around at a raging storm that would surely take their life. Any of us in that same position would undoubtedly respond in like manner. But…until Peter took his eyes OFF Jesus…he was walking on water people!! That is amazing
It was only when he took his eyes off his savior, and became more aware of his surroundings that he began to sink.
How often do we act this way- being of “little faith”? And let me preface this by saying I do not believe that Jesus has ever criticized someone for having “little faith” in terms of amount. We are told in Luke 17:6 that if we have faith the size a mustard seed, we could move mountains. Do you know how small a mustard seed is?? No…what I think Jesus was dealing with here, and in so many other areas of the Scripture when He must address those of “little faith”, is more likely the inactivity of their faith. They may have faith in great or small measure, but if they are not utilizing it actively, it is of little value to them.
When Peter began to take his eyes of Jesus, and he began to drown…he was no longer utilizing the faith that he possessed. He was at that moment, relying on his own understanding of the current situation, which was that he was in deep trouble and would surely perish if Jesus had not reached out for him. Jesus is asking him, why are you not using the faith you have been given? Why did you doubt- when I was right here in front of you, calling you to me?
What is your raging storm right now? You may not see Jesus walking past your boat…but you can be assured that He is right there in the midst of the storm with you, and would have you keep your eyes on Him. He may calm the storm. He may only calm you in the midst of the storm. But do you trust Him to know which outcome is going to be in your best interest? And do you trust Him enough to know that no matter what…He will NEVER leave your side, and the moment the waters are about to overtake you, and you cry out to Him, he will IMMEDIATELY be there to rescue you? I assure you…He will!
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