What we believe is much more important that what we see!
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Look beyond the outer to see the beauty that lies beneath |
2 Corinthians 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold the new has come"
What is perspective? Webster’s defines this as “a particular attitude toward or way of regarding something.” A point of view.
A point of view. What is the viewpoint from where you sit right now? The view may be very good. Things may be lining up nicely in your career and finances, your children may be flourishing, your marriage may be fruitful, or you may have just embraced the life of singleness with its inherent freedoms. Maybe you have embarked recently on a new journey and are experiencing the success of attempts at things like new hobbies or regained health and vigor.
These are the “mountain top” days…the days when praise comes easy and flows like honey from your tongue. These are the times when a smile seems to be permanently etched on your face, and everyone around you senses the glow. Embrace these days…for they will come to an end.
A famous speaker/preacher once said, “if you are not currently in the midst of the storm, you are likely heading either into one or out of one”. Life is a constant cycle of up and down. Rare is the person who enjoys extended stays on the “mountain top”. But even rarer still is the person who is able to maintain that smile…that glow…even when on the descent to the valley, or the arduous climb to get out.
For those who are not living on the mountain top…I ask you a question. What is your perspective? Not just of your circumstances and surroundings. Those may look very bad indeed. Cancer. Depression. Divorce. Wayward children. Too much month at the end of your money. The grave atmosphere can seem almost suffocating, and the very act of breathing in and out each moment a feat of unimaginable weight. But may I issue a challenge in the midst of these dark times? Can you “praise through your storm”? Can you offer up what can truly only be described as a SACRIFICE of praise, and allow the JOY of the Lord to fill your heart?
Perspective…or your point of view…is so much more than what you see in the natural realm. It is more than the chaos swirling around you on a daily basis. It is more than the beautiful moments that you live in when you are on that “mountain top”. It is a gift. It is the ability to look PAST the moment you are in, and see the creator. See God at work in every situation, bad and good, and give Him praise. Praise just for being good. Praise for loving you in spite of your fallen and ugly nature. Praise for offering up Himself on the cross to purchase your eternal redemption, and abundant life on this earth.
These people are the ones who really resonate with the world. They are the “game changers”. People know when you are walking through the storms. They know when your life is falling apart, and they are waiting to see how you will respond. Will you grumble and complain. Will you turn from your faith and run from God…saying that He must have given up on you to have left you so desolate? Or will you stand firm in your faith. Firm in the belief that He has promised in His word that He would NEVER leave you nor forsake you?
JOY is STRENGTH. Joy is not happiness. It is not a warm, fuzzy emotion that you feel when your life is all lined up nicely. Joy is the inner strength that comes from a life that is solely dependent on the very essence of the Holy Spirit to carry you through each moment. It is a total reliance on God to walk with you, to carry you even, through the darkest of moments. When we offer up that sacrifice of praise to Him, with tears and a broken heart, He hears. He sees. He comes to you and gently gathers you into His warm embrace, and His Holy Spirit FILLS you with the peace that passes all understanding, and with quiet strength.
This is not an easy task. It is not for the faint of heart. Because I can tell you this…you may experience change on the inside, but your circumstances will likely remain the same. At various times, when Jesus would be on the sea with His disciples, and a storm would rise, He would calm the storm. But in other times, He simply allowed the waves and winds to rage, and calmed His disciples, assuring them of His presence and protection.
When you are faced with terrible circumstances…or even just the rush and stress of everyday life that sucks the joy and peace right from your sails, take a moment to pause. Breathe. Pray. Begin to mentally, perhaps even verbally, tick off a list of the things that you are thankful for. You may have trouble coming up with just one thing…but start with that one. It becomes like an avalanche, as you realize the truth that you really are blessed beyond measure, and you have a good Father looking after you. If you do not have a relationship with the Savior…this is a great time to come to Him in absolute brokenness and surrender your life to His saving grace and will.
I am joining with you in this fight. It is not a daily battle. It is a moment by moment war, that we must wage with every breath. It is a choice. An act of our will. To decide where we will keep our focus…our perspective. What will our viewpoint be? Will we choose to see the darkness, or walk forth into the “marvelous light” that God is calling us to. He desires to meet you there…and to fill you with His peace and JOY unspeakable, and it will truly change your life…and the life of others around you as they bear witness to His transforming power in your life!
Blessings to you ~~
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